What Does a Social Media Marketing Agency Do? (4 Insights)
Nick Tatoian
Social Media
What does a social media marketing agency do? (Hint: It’s more than posting to Facebook or Instagram every few days.) You have to know your target audience, optimize the content for the platform it’s posted to, and decide whether or not you want to spend money on paid content to grow your audience.
While marketing on social media is something every company should be investing their time in, most business owners don’t have the time to do so. Here are some quick insights into how agencies that offer social media marketing can help free up your time and grow your business.
1. Has Access to a Variety of Services
When you hire a full-service agency for social media marketing, you have a full team with a variety of capabilities at your disposal. From graphic design and copywriting to photography and videography, an agency brings a variety of skills to your social media platforms. With a team of marketing experts, your social media will be in good hands.
2. Frees Up Your Precious Time
Social media marketing takes time. The process of developing a strong social media strategy includes writing copy, developing creative, scheduling the posts, and monitoring your comments, messages, and interactions. Do you have the time to keep up with multiple posts going out every week? Or, would you rather spend that time growing your business?
3. Understands Multiple Social Media Platforms (So You Don't Have To)
If you want to run ads on various platforms to help grow your audience, you will have to learn how to use them; and that’s a challenge in itself. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and TikTok all have unique operating systems and processes for running paid ads. When you have a social media marketing company manage your paid social media, you won’t have to worry about learning multiple paid platforms.
4. Leaves Your Social Media Management to the Experts
When you hire a social media marketing company, you know your social media is in good hands. Experts are only a phone call away, and you can rest easy knowing that your platforms are being closely monitored.
At Holland Adhaus, we have experience with running social media accounts for a variety of industries. From clients in the manufacturing space to pharmacies to restaurants, we can manage any account in any industry. Let us help your business reach more customers on social media platforms.
Nick Tatoian
Digital Content Strategist, Holland Adhaus
Nick is always looking to work with others to create an all-encompassing strategy.