Nestled within the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio, our headquarters finds its home in the cherished historic Cable House on Gilbert Avenue. Our location stands as a vibrant emblem of our company’s essence—a fusion of innovation and legacy, shaped by the endeavors of those who paved the way before us. The Cable House, a testament to time, was erected in 1870 by the visionary entrepreneur George Kerper. It was during this time that Kerper embarked on the ambitious venture of constructing the second largest cable line in Cincinnati. This very abode of history saw the birth of a groundbreaking transportation era.
Today, the Cable House stands as a living tribute to the transformative power of time and adaptability. It’s a vibrant tapestry where past and present intertwine seamlessly, and within its historic walls resides a myriad of unique tenants, much like us. Together, we form a vibrant community that reverberates with purpose, contributing our collective efforts to the rebirth of this neighborhood.
Just as the Cable House continues to evolve, we too are committed to embracing the past as we stride confidently into the future. From within these storied walls, we deliver services that honor our heritage while embracing innovation. Just as George Kerper’s vision transcended his era, our mission is to carry forth the torch of progress, providing services that are both rooted in tradition and aligned with the ever-evolving needs of our clients. Our location is more than just an address; it’s a reminder that growth is built on the foundations laid by those who dared to dream before us.